We don't eat to live, we live to eat. At the end of the day, we are Cypriots!
We are two brothers who love cooking and eating. We love Cypriot food, specifically made by our Mum. We are sure you do too. Unfortunately our mums are not always there to cook for us and sometimes we have to "make do". For those times we created Kolokas.com.
Whether you are looking for the recipe of the delicious Cypriot delicacy "Sheftalies", or a simple bread, or maybe even a refreshing lemonade for those hot summer days, Kolokas.com is a portal where all sorts of recipes tested and prepared by Cypriots are showcased.
Bon Apetit!

This is us

Bugra Ergin
CEO - Founder - DeveloperMSc Robotics

Burak Ergin
Product Manager - MarketingMSc Applied Acoustics